Blu-ray authoring and DVD Production
The team at Type40 have over 15 years experience in DVD and Blu-ray authoring.
From menu design, through authoring to QC we provide the complete DVD and Blu-ray packages.

From initial menu concepts through to the final disc image we take great care and attention on any DVD or Blu-ray authoring project we work on. Our team have worked on thousands of titles. These range from massive commercial releases to small independent titles. We make sure each one is handled the same. We take care encoding your video and audio content. By using optimum settings we get the best quality results possible. We invest time in our design process to make sure the menus truly reflect the look and feel of the main programme. Our DVD and Blu-ray menus have won awards for their design and we are meticulous when it comes to our QC process.
We can ingest from tape formats or handle files digitally. The same source can be used for both DVD and Blu-ray authoring, meaning you only need to supply us with one master. Our team will QC the file or tape when it first comes in. A second round of checks is completed once the video is encoded.
For DVD and Blu-ray authoring we use the industry standard Scenarist packages. The in-house team is capable of authoring both 2D and 3D blu-ray titles. We can also author Blu-ray pure audio. Some of the titles we have worked on can be seen in our DVD and Blu-ray authoring portfolio. Links to these can be found at the bottom of this page.
Type40 offers a complete DVD and Blu-ray authoring package and we can manage your subtitle and translation needs us well. We can also help deliver your title digitally to platforms such as iTunes.
Examples from our Blu-ray and DVD authoring portfolio:
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T: + 44 (0) 20 8123 8355
VAT registration number: GB189 1663 65
Company registration number: NI625250